Perfect Pop Records

Perfect Pop Records

Release party An Ananas

25. June 2013 – Publisert i An Ananas, Concerts, Releases

If you take 3/5 of The Jessica Fletchers you get An Ananas. As reported earlier they were i progress recording their debut album, and finally – it has arrived. It is called Do you hear what I hear in the scream? and it is a gem. It is released on Springs & Plates, and the release party will be at Last Train Thursday 27. And it is of course available in our web shop.

Date: June 27th
Venue: Last Train in Oslo
Doors: 20:00
Admission: NOK 50

1 comment på “Release party An Ananas”

  1. Ill Emu sier:

    So cool the Jessica Fletchers live on!

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