Perfect Pop Records

Perfect Pop Records

New CD from The Loch Ness Mouse

FWDCD091Previously this year, New Grafitti, the latest album from The Loch Ness Mouse, was released on Forward Records. The album received enthusiastic reviews in the Norwegian press.

The band has, over a course of four albums, developed their sound from lo fi indie pop in the direction of west coast popsoul. So for lovers of this genre – you should for sure check out this release.

New CD from American Suitcase

VME145smallAfter 5 years of recording, our friends in American Suitcase have finally released their latest CD called Pillowsky. The release party was at John Dee yesterday Friday. Don Bingo of Astroburger started off the evening with a few songs solo – just him and a keyboard. He played 3 songs in a style he called Baroque pop. The last song was an semi-improvised instrumental – you could not tell, and he finished his small set with bravour.

Seven Doors Hotel was next in line. They played an inspiring set of their cocktail of country/rock/pop/blues – you can probably call it americana and get away with it.

The last act of the evening was of course American Suitcase. With two additional guys on keyboards and percussion, the foursome had their best concert in years. Some will say that, since the band for years just has been a duo (Egil and Anders) most of the time playing accoustic sets now and then, this was a small feature, but you know what we mean. Anyway – all smiles both at stage and in the audience.

Je Suis Animal at UKA

Je Suis Animal have a consert at UKA Tuesday October 20th.

The student festival UKA (The Week) is settled in Trondheim and arranged every year. UKA claims to be the largest cultural festival in Norway, and it is also the longest week since it lasts 25 days.

Venue is Knaus at Studentersamfundet, and showtime is 22:00.

Perfect Pop Records, Postboks 783 Sentrum, 0106 Oslo •