It might have been a Tuesday night, when Tuesday Knight developed a taste for drinking beer and listening to rock-n-roll. The details are all too unfamiliar with those that are familiar with that time and place.
What is known is that a Rickenbacker bass guitar was purchased, and lurking under that dirty blonde hair – often mistaken for brunette in the Norwegian darkness that consumes so much of the calendar – the ember of an idea took light.
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Today sees the digital release of the Painted In My Face EP, comprising of the Cloudberry Records 7″ single A-side, plus the demo version of Sparkle Spit, and an unreleased track, Forglemmegei, mastered by Audun Strype. To listen to the songs – please head to Bandcamp or stream the tracks at the usual places.
Back in 2008, the younger of the Åleskjær brothers from The Loch Ness Mouse fame, Jørn Åleskjær released a 7″ under the Monobird moniker on Oslo Grammofon, and this edition was indeed very limited. The name of the release was Who is Who, and at last it is now available for everybody, and not only the lucky few that back in the day were able to get hold of the 7″. The song is available on your favourite streaming or downloadig site, and please listening to it, because it is a gem of a pop song.
Oslo Oscillator are not exactly known for their extensive touring – they hardly play live at all, so this is a rare opportunity to see the band live on any venue. The previous concert was the release concert of City Nomads back in December 2018, so Last Train in Oslo is for sure the place to be in a few weeks time.
Date: April 2
Venue: Last Train
Doors: 21:00
Admission: 120,-
While talking about Astroburger: Last month they played a concert at Kråkereiret in Moss with the support of Star Bug, and one of the in house photographers – Kjell Engvoldsen – took some really nice pictures that evening. You will find them here.
Disclaimer: The picture in this post is not taken by Kjell Engvoldsen, but is a crappy mobile phone picture taken by an unknown passerby.
Christmas is approaching, and Astroburger keeps the Christmas tradition alive by having a concert at Kafé Hærverk. They have called the evening The Moonrock Sonata, which is yet another pop opera celebrating the moon landing. Hopefully you are not sick and tired of pop operas on this topic after a year full of these, but take the opportunity to listen to Astroburgers take on this topic.
Date: December 19
Venue: Kafé Hærverk
Doors: 20:00
Yet again Astroburger will visit Kafé Hærverk in order to bring the indiepop joy to the masses. Date: June 27.

The Loch Ness Mouse keeps on trucking, and a couple of months ago the released a new record called The Loch Ness Mouse II. It was originally commissioned by the Japanese record label P-Vine (CD), but the Norwegian label Voices of Wonder expressed interest and has relesed the LP version of the record. The record mainly consists of new songs, but there are also some rerecorded oldies thrown in for good measure. The reviews of the album are very good, and you will find some quotes here – Norwegian only. And the LP is of course for sale in our popshop.
Christmas is approaching, and the same goes for the traditional pre-Christmas concert of Astroburger at Kafé Hærverk. Well, this is only the second year, but two times in a row is a tradition. Anyway, this year Astroburger have persuaded American Suitcase to join them for the evening, and since the December solstice occurs 22:23 (UTC) this evening, every signs tells us that this evening will be a blast.
Date: December 21
Venue: Kafé Hærverk
Doors: 21:00
Admission: 100,-

Our new releases have been available in our popshop for a while, but we have not told anyone about this – until now. But now you know, and since the covers are wall art you should ideally buy two of each.