Birthday poster
Here is the poster for our birthday party at Mono:
The art work is by Bjørn Rune Lie, and the design by Amund Hesbøl.
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Here is the poster for our birthday party at Mono:
The art work is by Bjørn Rune Lie, and the design by Amund Hesbøl.
Our friend Jørn Åleskjær, formerly of The Loch Ness Mouse, currently recording as Monobird, has made the following little musical tribute on the occasion of our 20 years anniversary. It’s called Perfect Pop 20 Years.
Here is the line up for our celebration at Cafe Mono in Oslo:
Friday the 21st of October:
Katie Smokers Wedding Present (Ge) (with Armin
of The Bartlebees)
The Time Lodgers (Out of hibernation)
Firefly Effect
An Ananas & The Jessica Fletchers (Briefly out
of hibernation)
DJ Anthony
Admission: 150 kroner
First band on stage 2130.
Saturday the 22nd of October:
Monobird feat. Gary Olson
The Bartlebees (Ge) (Also out of hibernation)
The Loch Ness Mouse (the line up with Emil on drums
and Morten on bass)
DJ Syrstad
Admission: 150 kroner
First band on stage 2130.
There’s a “new” band on the label – meet The Vacuum Dreamers!
Ex-members of The Tables, The Blind Bats and Astroburger joined forces a few years back creating an old-school Perfect Pop band, and have been hiding out in the Spendless studio ever since. Shy and mildly neurotic, they’ve only been heard by a handful of people. They also let the tapes of their first album sit on the shelves for a couple of years just to let them mature, but in connection with Perfect Pop Records’ 20th anniversary they decided it was time to finally release the record. It will be out in just a few weeks!
Birthday party at Mono 21st and 22nd of October
Hurray! Perfect Pop Records celebrates our 20th birthday this autumn. And what a celebration! We will release a 12″ compilation and have two days with concerts at Cafe Mono – a scene so familiar to many of our bands through the years and a perfect place for this grand party! More details about the compilation and the line up in a few days.
The release party of the new album Try again, fail again, fail better will be held at Revolver in Oslo, Friday May 6. The line up this evening will be as following:
Magnus Moriarty™
Firefly Effect
Easy & Center of the Universe
Anthony of Je Suis Animal will be DJ-ing before, between, and after the concerts.
Date: May 6
Venue: Revolver, Møllergata 32
Admission: 100 kroner
Doors open: 21.00
We are happy to announce that the new Firefly Effect album – Try again, fail again, fail better (POP63), is ready and fresh from print! The great debut album, Everything is Beautiful and You are the Reason from 2009, received great critics, and we do believe pop lovers will enjoy the tasteful meal they serve us this time as well: Dance-alongs, sing-alongs, warm, happy songs with a touch of melancholy, blended together just as it has to be. Even a sad song as Heart of Gold makes you feel good.
Beware, beware! Saturday, March 5, is Perfect Pop Night at Union Scene in Drammen, and the following bands are going to please those who use this unique opportunity to be in the right place at the right time:
* An Ananas. Never heard about them? They consist of three members from The Jessica Fletchers. They sound very differently, though we’re still talking pop marked Q for Quality.
* The Southern Alps. It’s been a long time since we last wrote about them here. Now our favourite New Zealand mountains are back, sounding better than ever.
* Astroburger. Our heroes in Astroburger are still going strong, and they will once again please any pop heart with their timeless songs.
The doors to the concert venue will open at 21.00. A warning may be due: First band may go on stage as early as 21.15 hours.
Where: Union Scene, Drammen.
When: Saturday, March 5, 21.00 hours.
Admission: NOK 150,-
You get two chances to see Firefly Effect live at by:Larm;
Revolver Thursday 17.02 – stage time 00:30
Tilt Saturday 19.02 – stage time 21:30
The band received great critics for their debutalbum “Everything is beautiful, and you are the reason”. In the beginning of April, poplovers will find Firefly Effects second album in store: “Try again, fail again, fail better”. A radiosingle is soon too be released, the very beautiful “Heart of gold”. Enjoy!
Are you having sleepless nights over the fact that you’re still missing Robert Birdeye’s second EP in your collection of ultracool vinyl artifacts from Perfect Pop Records? In that case, the joyous news is that this legendary release once again is available in our popshop. For aeons we suspected that Robert Birdeye himself had a secret warehouse somewhere, stacked to the ceiling with unsold copies. And now, the story can be told – it wasn’t far from the truth. One day, as we dropped by Birdye’s apartment while he was in Spendless for a drum recording on an as-yet-nameless band project, we made a quick search, and were astonished to find a stack of these rare EPs stashed away in a secret hiding place in the wall of his bedroom!