Perfect Pop Records

Perfect Pop Records

Firefly Effect live December 8

Firefly Effect is doing one of their rare shows on Wednesday this week. Since last time, they have put the finishing touches to their follow-up album, which has been titled Try Again, Fail Gain, Fail Better, due out early 2011. The band will use the opportunity to play a good part of the forthcoming album, garnered with a few hits from their debut Everything Is Beatiful And You Are The Reason.

Date: December 8
Place: Mir, Toftesgt 69
Admission: 50 kroner
Band starts playing no later than 22.00

September 15th – Flair for Darjeeling

POP33As mentioned earlier there was a rumour floating around regarding The Loch Ness Mouse’s plan to play their entire debut album, Flair for Darjeeling in Oslo some time during August. Apparently this rumour appeared to be somewhat false, but do not despair, it’s gonna happen in September instead.

Date: September 15th 2010
Venue: Garage Oslo
Tickets: NOK 80,-

Since the event will take place on the small stage on the ground floor, concider the possibility that the gig may well be sold out in advance. If this is something you really don’t wanna miss out on, try to get hold of a ticket as soon as possible.

Je Suis Animal at Green Man

Je Suis Animal will play at the Green Man festival in Wales next Sunday, and will upfront do two shows in Bristol and London.

August 19th 2010 at The Croft in Bristol. The Hysterical Injury, Drunk Granny and Lonely Tourist will also play that evening. Doors open 8 PM.

StillCornersAugust 20th 2010 at The Drop (downstairs at The Three Crowns pub, 175 Stoke Newington High St) in London. In addition Still Corners will be playing, and they will also launch their new 7″ single called Don’t Fall in Love. Hong Kong In The 60s will also be playing. Doors open 7 PM.

August 22nd 2010 at Green Man festival in Wales. Tickets are sold out long ago, so if you don’t have a ticket the only hope is that you are not older than the age of 12. If so – you will, according to the web page of the festival, come for free. Je Suis Animal will play 1.45 PM at the Far Out stage.

New releases from The Loch Ness Mouse

While most people spend their summers relaxing and claiming well earned vacations, our friends in The Loch Ness Mouse spent theirs on music. They released a luxury edition of their legendary debut album Flair for Darjeeling on Hype City Records in early July. CD1 contains the album in a remastered version, while CD2, called Flair for Skulerud, contains 11 tracks where 9 is carefully picked from a variety of vinyl releases, and the last two tracks is never heard before.

The first of the two tracks is No Flowers For Florine, and was supposed to be released on a Japanese tribute to The Bartlebees, but this release never saw the light of day. The other track, called Sotheby’s, was recorded during the same session as Ceylon Sailor.

The release was paired with a concert where the band played the entire Flair For Darjeeling at the Egersund Visefestival, and the latest rumours literally scream that this will occur again somewhere in Oslo sometime in August. Let’s just cross our fingers and hope there are some reality in these rumours. Sirkel_LNM

The Loch Ness Mouse have also released a split 7″ together with Mary Me Young on Sirkel Records. The song is called Small Scale  (3000ft high and still rising), and you can get it in our PoPstore now!

Je Suis Animal in Estonia

If you for some reason are in Estonia on Saturday July 3rd without anything to do, and wonder how Kilingi-Nõmme in the south of Estonia not far from Latvia looks like, you are in for a treat. You will discover that the Schilling festival of 2010 is held that day. The artists playing this day are mostly local ones, but our own Je Suis Animal are one of the few foreign acts together with Queen’s Head and Antarctica – both from Australia.

January 16th – Firefly Effect in Bergen

Firefly Effect will play at Landmark at Bergen Kunsthall Saturday 16th of January. The band will of course play some songs from the CD released last year, but also some new ones from the second album which will be released later this year. Brokedown Palace from Trondheim will also entertain you this evening, and Sarahs Postcard will do the DJ-ing.

Astroburger at John Dee December 26th

Astroburger, the old friends of Perfect Pop Records, are playing at John Dee December 26th. If you are in Oslo on Boxing Day wondering what to do, John Dee is the only place to be this evening. Rumours around the town says that they will play three brand new songs this day, of which one is a instrumental in classic brand of Astroburger.

Firefly Effect at John Dee December 9th

Firefly Effect will play at John Dee December 9th together with Love:Fi from Kristiansand/Norway. Love:Fi describes their music as “A complex poporchestra that likes to experiments in both noisy and tender landscapes. Modified sounds from trumpet, guitar, bass and vocal gives a unique sound.”

So if you’re not attending the Conne Island in Leipzig to witness the fist concert of Je Suis Animal on German soil, John Dee is the place to be this Wednesday.

Je Suis Animal in Germany

Angular Recording Corporation will release the debut album of Je Suis Animal – Self Taught Magic From a Book in Germany in December. In order to promote the release the band will go to Germany and have a small tour playing at the following venues:

09.12.2009 Leipzig – Conne Island (with Lighting Dust)
10.12.2009 Lüneburg – Kulturreferat
11.12.2009 Offenbach – Hafen2 (with Diverting Duo)
12.12.2009 Hamburg – Astra-Stube
13.12.2009 Berlin – Bang Bang Club

Debut album of Firefly Effect

Some months ago Perfect Pop Records released the debut album of Firefly Effect: Everything is Beautiful and You are the Reason (POP62). You just can’t help but singing, dancing and smiling along to these great pop tunes, and even a sad song like “All the jokes” makes you feel good. This album is of course a must have, and our new friends in Firefly Effect are the family members Perfect Pop Records didn’t know we had –  but all of a sudden they came along with their

Heartfelt and
Clever pop songs!

We salute them, and we hope you do to. Among many great reviews, this is an excerpt of what Peter Krogholm of All Scandinavian writes:

“Underdogs. Or misfits. The lovable misfits. The very sympathetic anti heroes who succeed in spite of, with everybody rooting for them (except perhaps the jocks and their trophy girlfriends). Yes, I am talking feel good movies, especially the new generation of teen comedies represented by Juno and Superbad among many others.

And why do I talk about feel good comedies, you might rightfully ask? Because that’s what I think of when listening to Norwegian indiepoppers Firefly Effect’s debut album ‘Everything Is Beautiful And You Are The Reason’. As I’ve said before, it’s quirky, jangly and jingly, and infectiously imperfect, a musical misfit who’d be the perfect soundtrack to said movies. Underdog pop to put in two words.

Firefly Effect deserve success. Not in spite of, but because of… And I for one am rooting for them.”

Great ending. Read the complete review here. And if you will try to improve your Norwegian – you will find more reviews of the release in the review section.

Perfect Pop Records, Postboks 783 Sentrum, 0106 Oslo •